
Bbedit sort functions
Bbedit sort functions

bbedit sort functions

When done, click the OK button and Word will sort the table using the options we’ve chosen. The rest of the options stay the same except remember to change the sort direction to Descending. Notice also that the first Sort By drop down menu already has the column heading Name in the option box. Notice in the bottom left hand corner of the Sort window that Word has already detected the headings in the first row. Select the entire table and once again click on the Sort button in the Paragraph section of the Ribbon. Let’s assume that we want to sort the data in descending order this time.

bbedit sort functions

Notice that there are column headings in the first row and that the first column contains the text we wish to sort. Suppose you have a table in Word that looks like the one below. Luckily, Word gives you much of the same flexibility to sort text as found in Excel. Much like an Excel worksheet, a table contains rows, columns, and may contain headings in the first row. This type of sorting may seem a bit more familiar to you if you often sort data in Excel. In addition, if you click on the Options button, you can configure advanced settings like the field separator and whether it should be case sensitive or not. Notice that now the text is sorted from A to Z in ascending order. When done, click the OK button and Word will sort your text with the options you chose. Lastly, we need to tell Word whether we want to sort the text in ascending (A to Z) order or descending order (Z to A). Locate the drop down menu labeled Type and choose Text. Next we need to tell Word what we are sorting. Sorting by paragraph is the default option. Even though we only have one word per line, Word still considers each line to be its own paragraph because we pressed the enter key to get to the next line. First, you need to indicate that you want to sort the text you’ve selected by paragraph.

bbedit sort functions

On the Sort Text window, you’ll notice that there a number of options. Click on the Sort button and Word will open the Sort Text window. Look for a button with the letters A and Z on it and an arrow pointing down. Then, click on the Home tab on the Ribbon and locate the section titled Paragraph. Simply start at the beginning of the list, hold down the left mouse button, and drag your mouse until the entire list is selected. To sort any of these types of lists, begin by selecting the list with your mouse. This is how Word is able to sort text in the document. In each of these cases, a line break (also called a carriage return) tells Word where one word or phrase ends and the next one begins.

Bbedit sort functions